Taylor-Dunn Stockchaser Model SC-100-36

Taylor-Dunn Stockchaser Model SC-100-36
The Taylor-Dunn stockchaser model SC-100-36 provides a money-saving solution to help warehouse managers increase efficiency in the warehouse. These nimble, narrow-aisle conveyances bring the drive closer to the products that needs to be picked. For those out of reach products, these stockchasers come with step ladders to pick goods from higher locations.
The SC-100 36V is designed with an all steel unitized body with automotive differential and 36 volt GT drive system, providing years of service in rugged applications. Equipped with 4, 5 or 6 step ladder, the SC-100 36V allows the operator to pick materials from higher stock locations. Options like multilevel shelving, clipboard, automotive steering wheel or extended deck overlay provide maximum functionality for your operation. The SC-100 36V configured with roll out or lift out battery box can provide 24 hours of service in any warehousing application.
One (1) New Taylor-Dunn Stockchaser Model SC-100-36
*Based on standard configuration: Actual towing capacity is dependent on application, vehicle configuration, ballast weight and operating environment.
Freight Separate- Currently in stock in Auburn, WA
Lead time: 3-4 weeks
Sales Tax Extra if applicable
RHCC Territory- Western Washington and Oregon
Inquires outside of above territories or any questions, please contact us at 844-445-1119 or store@raymondhandling.com.