Philadelphia Scientific Stealth High Pressure Watering Systems

Philadelphia Scientific High-Pressure Stealth Watering Systems
This watering system is a float-based, single-point watering system technology which fills the battery in one tenth of the time seen in manual watering evenly and simultaneously. The new Stealth Slim Valve is the lowest profile valve system on the market; perfect for the narrow spacing seen between the straps of Crown Max Haul and GNB flat plate batteries. These systems are Flow-Rite compatible with standard input coupling.
- FLK-K6 - 12volt/6 cell Stealth Watering System
- FLT-K12 - 24volt/12 cell Stealth Watering System
- FLT-K18 - 36volt/18 cell Stealth Watering System
- FLT-K24 - 48volt/24 cell Stealth Watering System
- FLT-K36 - 72volt/36 cell Stealth Watering System
- FLT-K40 - 80volt/40 cell Stealth Watering System
*All systems come with 1 stealth float valve per cell, 1 water input and filter assembly, 2 end plugs, 1 coil of clear PVC tubing and 1 foot of tubing per cell, black polypropylene cable ties, and an instruction booklet