Column Sentry - Column Impact Protectors

Column Sentry - Column Impact Protectors
Column Sentry - Column Impact Protectors
Column Sentry - Column Impact Protectors
Column Sentry - Column Impact Protectors
Column Sentry - Column Impact Protectors
Column Sentry - Column Impact Protectors


SKU: CS1442-4S-1

Column Sentry® column protectors prevent expensive column damage by cushioning accidental bumps

Column Sentry® is the pioneer of column protectors, saving interior building columns from unintended bumps and collisions by surrounding them with a cushion of protective low-density polyethylene foam and air. They are the leader at preventing expensive column damage from dings, dents, paint chips, and cracking.

  • Versatile - fits square, circular and H-style columns, ranging from 100mm to 770mm wide
  • Highly visible OSHA safety yellow color 
  • Incredibly tough and long-lasting - even works in sub-zero temperatures
  • Easily installed - no tools needed
  • Ideal for concrete or steel column protection
  • Available in 36", 42" and 48" heights
  • Inexpensive and Cost-Effective, with no maintenance required

When hit, the Column Sentry flexes, protecting the column, the forklift, and the forklift operator from accidental damage. 

Patented Air-Vent System: Sentry's unique patented air-vent system provides the best protection available in a column protective device. This one-of-a-kind system allows air to escape during impact, allowing the column protector to absorb impact safely without splitting the sides.

Proven as the Best Column Damage Prevention on the Market: In a recent test conducted by a recognized international testing company, Column Sentry® proved to be the most resistant to impact out of all of the products tested. Testing was done on similar sized products and found that the genuine Column Sentry® protector was 83% more effective in resisting impact than the imitation column protector.




*Freight is not included in price